501 A document named %s already exists. Overwrite? 502 &Unbind 503 Saving %s to %s 504 %d of %d 506 Could not open file %s 507 Stream I/O error or Read format error 508 Unbind 509 File version is out of date 510 Failed to open sub-storage for section %s 511 Failed to create storage for section %s 512 Combined length of path, section-name and extension exceeds the systems limits. Could not complete the Unbind operation on section %d 531 \/:.=?&*{}<>|" 532 Section %d has invalid characters in the section name and has to be renamed with valid characters. 533 %s has invalid characters in the section name and has to be renamed. 534 \/:=?<>&*|(){}" 535 Office.Binder.8\Shell\Open 536 Office.Binder.9\Shell\Open 537 Office.Binder.95\Shell\Open 538 Office.Binder.Template\Shell\Open 539 Office.Binder.Wizard\Shell\Open 540 Office.Binder\Shell\Open 541 OfficeBinder.Binder.8\Shell\Open 542 OfficeBinder.Binder.9\Shell\Open 543 OfficeBinder.Binder\Shell\Open 544 Where do you want to save the contents of this binder? 545 Unbound %s. 546 Unbinding aborted by user. 548 Unbinds a Microsoft Office Binder file.\n\nUNBIND source [destination] [/Q] [/Y]\n source - Specifies the binder file to be unbound.\n destination - Specifies the directory for the result.\n /Q - Suppress all progress indicators and alerts.\n /Y - Try to continue after errors.\n 549 Microsoft Office Unbind Utility.\nCopyright 1994 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.\n\n 550 Unbind Help 551 Unbind